DiGeorge syndrome is a disease that occurs due to genetic disorders. This disease occurs when there is a loss of certain genetic components on chromosomes, precisely on chromosome 22. Because of these genetic problems, children born with this condition can experience various health problems. Most people with DiGeorge syndrome do not have a family with a history of the disease. However, parents who suffer from DiGeorge syndrome can reduce the same disease in their children. This disease can occur when there are problems in the formation of the genetic component of the fetus during fertilization. A small proportion of children born with this condition do not experience serious health problems. However, most children who suffer from DiGeorge syndrome have various health problems, such as: Congenital heart defect. Harelip. Lack of calcium in the blood. Hormonal disorders. Growth disorders. Bone disorders. Symptoms of DiGeorge Syndrome DiGeorge syndrome can cause symptoms that...